Wednesday, 23 February 2022

The Value of Uniqueness

Becoming and staying profitable in a highly competitive airline world is going to be more challenging than ever. If you keep doing what everybody is doing (the common practice!), the chances for building a rewarding future for your airline will get slimmer.

But if you are smart enough to find a way to do what no one else is doing you can increase chances for geometric rewards. Here is how it works:

It is all about a kind of uniqueness that creates values that cannot be copied by competitors. It is about nurturing human qualities and creation of culture of connectedness, about collective engagement and trust achieved through a connected, down to earth management and decision making. 

Rewards rarely grow geometrically and when they do, they don't last long. Take this as a symbol and inspiration to start turning inside for answers about what you can collectively do to make better alignment with your company goals and its core values measured by service offered to customers and relationships with employees. Setting the right tone for your organisation is the key. 

To make this work you need a new approach to decision making and a set of tools to disrupt the internal and external disruptors of progress.  

If you need some ideas about how to start this unique journey go to