On Sunday 9th April 2017, Doctor Dao,
United Airlines’ passenger, was violently dragged out from his seat just before
the departure of his flight UA3411 from Chicago to Louisville. He was chosen to
leave the plane against his will despite his claims that he was needed at a Louisville hospital. The reason: airline needed to make room
for four unexpected employees of a partner airline who needed to get to
Louisville by Monday morning to crew another flight. United originally characterized the flight as
overbooked, but later said that was (obviously) not the case.
The incident would likely have been contained locally (as most of the disruptive events do) if it was not for the video that his fellow passengers posted on social media. It
caused an outrage against United Airlines. Airline’s CEO Oscar Muñoz rushed to defend
the employees' conduct and said that forcibly removed doctor had been
"disruptive and belligerent". As the video went viral and company’s
shares began to slide Mr Munoz reset the tone and softened his words.
The question is, why would an airline that cares about its business and
reputation ever think of allowing a paying passenger to be assaulted, so that
its own employee could take his seat?
To answer this question we need to dig a bit deeper. Doctor
Dao’s case revealed the tip of the underlying pattern that is invisibly eroding
the future of air travel. Major legacy airlines are caught in a self-made trap
by choosing to operate a hub-network, wrongly assuming that they can expand
indefinitely within finite airport capacities. Consequences experienced today
include operational and financial volatility of major hub operators, a rise in
operational disruptions and passenger dissatisfaction.
The origins

The side effects
In the meantime, traffic concentration at major hub airports
has continued to rise. Airlines have become less resilient and more vulnerable
to even the smallest unforeseen events. The next big crises in 2001 (9/11),
and 2008 (sharp increase in fuel prices, global economic downturn and increased
low-cost competition) have shaken the industry even more as airport and
airspace congestion restricted their opportunity for growth. Airline
consolidation was seen as the quickest fix in the battle for survival, creating
unanticipated side effects that may have surpassed the benefits of mergers and
acquisitions. The resulting massive cost cuts were made at the expense of
employees and passengers. Deregulation allowed airlines to create monopolies
wilfully ignoring the far-reaching consequences of such decisions.
The birth of megamergers and how it affected passengers
By definition, a megamerger creates one corporation that may maintain control over a large percentage of market share within its industry. This occurs through the acquisition, merger and consolidation. The big four megamergers (American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, and United) now control 85 percent of the market, compared with 55 percent ten years ago. Having fewer competing airlines means that there is now less pressure to improve customer service or worry about losing passengers who often have no better travel alternatives. What they are still not measuring and accounting for are losses caused by increased inefficiencies and passenger dissatisfaction.
By definition, a megamerger creates one corporation that may maintain control over a large percentage of market share within its industry. This occurs through the acquisition, merger and consolidation. The big four megamergers (American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Southwest Airlines, and United) now control 85 percent of the market, compared with 55 percent ten years ago. Having fewer competing airlines means that there is now less pressure to improve customer service or worry about losing passengers who often have no better travel alternatives. What they are still not measuring and accounting for are losses caused by increased inefficiencies and passenger dissatisfaction.
Beyond megamergers
As a result, flight schedules and system resources have
become more difficult to manage and optimise. Despite some reduction in airline
capacities, consolidation increased operational complexity resulting in growing
number and harshness of flight disruptions with unreported consequences.
Problems have been exacerbated by pushing aircraft utilisation and cabin load
factors up, at times beyond manageable limits. And merging with partners’
schedules made things even more complicated. This has created a highly
ineffective system prone to disruptions and inability to control them. The true
causes of internally caused disruptions are not measured. Instead, they are
simplistically explained using the delay coding system designed to serve
operational needs. Megamerged airlines have little control over their partners’
performance and losses they can potentially cause. Their own capabilities to
respond to challenges have weakened, so that even the small unforeseen events
can escalate the problems systemwide. The major airlines may have managed to
survive and may financially flourish at times, but operationally, they are
drifting into failure.
Who really cares about passengers?
Does the lack of competition give airlines the right to
deprive passengers of dignified travel? There are no authorities nor passenger
organisations that have the power to challenge the disruptive (and offending)
airlines and protect passengers. Forced to reduce flight frequency at capacity
constrained airports, megamerged airlines have increased cabin load factors,
usually to barely manageable 80+ percent, which is why on monopolized routes
their incentive to keep service quality up and fares down have disappeared.
They also shifted some of the costs of standard services to passengers, like
baggage charges and meals, to become source of airline additional revenue. The
absence of enforceable regulations and complexity of the process itself have
made a mockery of passenger protection and passenger rights to compensation (EC261). It
will stay so as long as authorities and airlines continue to deny the reality
and try to prove the unprovable through deceived delay reports and by ignoring
passenger complaints. They fail to understand that it is not all about money.
Passengers can never be compensated for loss in time, anxiety and as in the
case of Doctor Dao, emotional scars.
Who cares about employees dealing with disruptive
It is not just passengers that suffer the consequences of
the rise in disruptive travel. It is also the employees. “Unhappy mechanics do
not tend to go the extra mile—or the extra foot—to get the airplane ready to
go,” says George Ferguson, a Bloomberg Intelligence airline analyst. Longtime
fliers have noticed the delays, cancellations, and lost bags—and the
short-tempered gate agents and flight attendants. “As individuals, they are
really nice people,” says Jared Spool, a Web design consultant who flies
150,000 miles a year on the airline. “But they are in such a horrible
situation, constantly trying to deal with customers that are not happy, and
they’re completely powerless.” Does anybody pay attention to this kind of
Who needs sterile surveys on customer experience and delay
Measuring passenger experience has become a farce. It is
based on deceiving surveys on customer satisfaction carried out in a controlled
environment. The same
applies to the misuse of airline delay reports which are not suitable for
benchmarking and decisions made outside operational environment.
Who needs customer service departments in the age or social
Do airlines really need customer service departments that
deny or ignore most of the passenger complaints and compensation claims?
In the age of social media, it is becoming increasingly difficult for an
airline to escape these costs and more and more easy for passengers to get the
compensation using the power of social media, like the musician who wrote a
song called United Breaks Guitars. It was the song that finally won him compensation, which
he donated to charity.
Back to reality
Back to flight UA3411 of ‘mega-merged’ United. It was
operated under the umbrella of United Express (United regional airline) by
Republic Airways’ Republic Airline (one of its 9 subsidiaries) which offers
scheduled commercial passenger service as US Airways Express, United Express
and under the American Eagle brand.
The question is, how do magamerged airlines control their
businesses faced not only by their own complexity, but the conglomerate of
merged, yet independent carriers? How much do their leaders know about the
impact of disruptive events on airline profitability and what actions should
they be taking to make them beneficial for all members?
Let’s scale it down. What lessons can be learned from Doctor
Dao’s case? It will much depend on the way the incident and its consequences
are recorded and willingness and ability to raise the right questions that lead
to the roots of the problems. For this kind of questioning, one needs to have a good
understanding of how the system works. Standard numeric and segmented and then aggregated reporting systems won’t help much here due to the disconnection between
operational and strategic sides of management information. The following
questions may serve as a guide:
- Which of the following codes was used to
describe the cause of delay: 14 (Oversales, booking errors), 66 (Late
cabin crew boarding or departure procedures), 67 (Cabin crew shortage), 68
(Cabin crew error or special request)?
- For how long was the flight delayed? How long
did it take passengers to reach their destination? How long did it take
Doctor Dao to get to the place he needed to be and was he accompanied by
his luggage? How long did it take him to heal his wounds?
- Is there an IATA code for passenger experience and the emotional scars they may carry for life?
- What caused the sudden assignment of deadhead
crew from the partner airline?
- How much will it cost the airline in refunds, compensations, and future revenue loss?
- How many passengers on other routes experienced long delays and cancellations and what are the real causes of losses in costs, revenue, and reputation?
- Do high load factors of over 80% cause more
harm from disruption losses than benefits from increased revenue? What are
the most critical routes?
- How much does high aircraft utilisation
contribute to disruptions and what are the related losses?
- How much does adding more routes at congested
airports really cost the airline?
- How many passengers lost connections and how
much did it cost the airline?
- What are the losses caused by outsourced
service providers and partners and can they be recovered?
- Do surveys about passenger satisfaction
include disrupted passengers?
- Can employees cope with a surge in disruptions
and how does this reflect on their attitude towards disrupted passengers?
- What needs to be done to make a better balance
between profit and quality?
Published results about United’s operational performance
indicate the lack of these insights. They are well beyond its competitors’ metrics
on quality, including delays, cancellations, mishandled bags, and bumped
passengers. The airline has, since 2012, been the worst or near worst among its
competitors. In 2012, when reported punctuality was 58.7% according to the U.S.
Department of Transportation, United was responsible for 43 percent of all
consumer complaints filed against U.S. airlines. Even though the punctuality
has improved in the meantime, it is still below the industry norm.
What lessons can be learned?
‘There are lessons we can learn from this experience’ has
become a common closing phrase used by airline executives interviewed after
major disruptive events. What lessons did they really have in mind at that
moment? Considering that airlines don’t have a system that controls wider
strategic and management aspects of disruptions, it is unlikely that real
improvement can be expected.
How to make improvements in the age of disruptions
Disruptions offer a still unexplored, if not the only
opportunity to improve system performance. These are unique
events where strategic and planning assumptions meet reality and customer numbers
turn to real people. This is the only way to get an insight into the interactions
between data, people, and processes and most critical strategic and operational inputs
in need of adjustments. The answer is in working continuously on identifying
the most damaging influencers at time and keep repairing the broken links on
the go - a chance that shouldn’t be missed.