Tuesday 19 April 2011

Inspirational leaders vs. disruptive bosses

It seems that the distinction between leaders and bosses has much to do with airline success or failure, and surely disruptions. Read the following quotes and find out which category best describes your leadership qualities even if you are still an aspiring leader.

"The boss drives his man. The leader coaches them. The boss depends upon authority, the leader on good will. The boss inspires fear; the leader inspires enthusiasm. The boss says ‘I’; the leader ‘we’. The boss fixes the blame for the breakdown; the leader fixes the breakdown. The boss says ‘go’; the leader says ‘let’s go’." 
Gordon Selfridge

"Leaders focus on the soft stuff. People. Values. Character. Commitment. A cause. All of the staff that was supposed to be too goo-goo to count in business. Yet, it’s the staff that real leaders take care off first. And forever. That’s why leadership is an art, not a science." 
Tom Peters

"It is always easier to dismiss a man than to train him. No great leader ever built a reputation on firing people. Many have built a reputation on developing them." Anonymus.