Wednesday 6 April 2011

The importance of monitoring strategic temperature

In the fast-paced world of airlines, expansionist strategies can bring both benefits and disruptions. The problem is that negative consequences of overexpansion manifested in real life are not measured, even though they can be disruptive and reduce the expected benefits.

Visual it as a gradually heated saucepan of milk on a stove. All looks fine untill carelessly left to overheat. It then swells and spills over, some milk is lost and there is some cleanup to do.

Similarly, airlines must avoid overheating their desire for expansion. To avoid crossing the tipping point requires constant monitoring of strategic temperature and spotting the moments from where doing more will lead to negative outcome for both the airline and passengers.
Balancing effectively (cue feedback loop!) lies at the core of sustained success for airlines and a smooth travel experience for passengers.

Don't overheat the milk!