Sunday 8 November 2020

Why Do We Wilfully Ignore Obvious Pitfalls in Management?

This is a rare opportunity to hear an experienced CEO talking openly about well known but wilfully ignored pitfalls in management.

Margaret Heffernan, the CEO, management expert, and author questions why we ignore the obvious and suggests that if you want to see the full picture you need to have people around the board table who inhabit different kinds of mindsets. 

In an age of complexity the failure to take account of multiple perspectives is really dangerous. We understand the complex systems are impossible to see in a kind of a single view. So we need those multiple views if we are going to understand the world we are living in.

The question is how can we put these multiple perspectives together in airline management?


The process is not difficult to implement. It doesn't require organisational changes or structural transformations - it is about enabling the natural flow of work across organisation. And also, about access to relevant data and group insights in support of decision making that benefits the entire organisation. Things that require facilitators with real skills based on the wide industry knowledge and experience.


The process is refreshing and regenerative. The time is ripe for its implementation.